It is difficult to convey to those outside Ireland what exact role the Irish Times plays in Irish public life. There is a viewpoint that it shapes policy through the Labor party, the tail (8% in the latest poll) wagging the dog in government. Perhaps the best analogy is to consider the impact the NY Times might have had during its period of boosting the Iraq war had its circulation been 8 million, as distinct from 2 million with the wind behind it. In that vein, it is as well to mention that many of the IT's key staff are Americans from colleges in the boonies,
In my personal experience, the Irish Times has not hesitated to inflate property prices, boost the failed Medialab project, attack academic tenure, savage brilliant and well-meaning artists (two of whom - Pete A and Sean O Riada - died after attacks in the Times) and libel at will. So it is quite a moment when one of its pet projects, the boosting of abortion, does not pass the smell test after it publishes repeated opinion polls stating that the Irish wanted abortion.
In particular, if 75% are for abortion as these "surveys" indicate,why is it that the pro-life people outnumbered the pro-abortion protesters 99+:1 even in the Times' garbled report;
It would be interesting to see what Times contacts have already lucrative contracts for harvesting of stem cells and so on from aborted fetuses. After all, the Times played a major role in condemning the Irish economy through its property supplement being backed by Op-ed cheerleaders giving "objective" analyses.
Finally, I repeat my hypothesis that the current onset of abortion mania arose from a botched DIY abortion attempted on a female fetus by an Indian couple in Ireland, together with her parents, Should they proceed with the civil case, this will likely come out. There are currently 800,00 abortions of female fetuses per year in India, with an imbalance of (up to age 6 alone) fully 7 million more males than females.
One of the classical ways to get sepsis is through this procedure;
12/7/13 - another fine mess
The legislation just passed the lower house. For non-Irish readers, that may come as something of a relief. the Savita case cannot happen again, right? In fact, this legislation does not even pretend to tackle such cases; sepsis is still very poorly understood and thousands die of it every week in the USA
10th most prevalent cause of death
Ireland's new lawgives effect to a 1992 supreme court judgement that makes Kermit Gosnell's activities legal;
American Mengele
If a woman, 9 months pregnant, whose waters have broken can prove that she is "at risk' of suicide, the baby must be terminated. This is the case if as Gosnell charmingly put it, the baby can be walked to the bus stop
So what is going on? the government has lost 5 of its parlimantary party, including its brightest star Ms Creighton, and Fine Gael will lose more;
It is clear what happened; death of sympathetic Indian woman, stoke the flames, the usual lies in the irish times. But this legislation?
The most plausible explanation is that this is part of the secret programme for government, arranged with gilmore who is conveniently absent in the USA which, as wikileaks has shown gives him his instructions.
Finally, the supreme court in Ireland ruled a generation ago that , the north-eastern corner was part of the national territory; no effort was made to implement this, for some reason. In 1998, 97% of the people voted to have NO national territory............
PS From Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs, who was adopted. P254;
"I'm glad I didn't end up as an abortion"
Jobs subsequently made friends with his biological mother