Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ireland's second republic

1. Legitimation of the "state" and the  Irish republic

Much of the readership of this blog is from outside Ireland, so a little history will help. In the 19th century, as soon as the voting franchise was extended to catholics, the Irish nation as a whole repeatedly voted for a limited form of autonomy called “Home rule”. While prime minister, Gladstone managed to steer a “Home rule” bill through the commons, only to see the House of Lords reject it.

So matters remained until WW1, when “Home rule” was attenuated to include only the 26 counties. Even this bill was suspended, with the Irish Parliamentary Party/Nationalist Party (IPP) parliamentarians in London expected to support conscription of the Irish as a quid pro quo. That political tightrope act proved unsustainable, and a very marginal group of socialists and Fenians declared a republic in 1916. Their revolt was clearly quixotic,and is described in all its chaos by the Nobellist Vargas Llosa's recent “El sueno del celta”;

Yet the point had been made; Irish people were willing to fight and die for the proclamation of a republic that extended the voting franchise to women, was non-sectarian and claimed ownership of the resources of Ireland for the Irish people. It is fair to say that these principles remain the legitimately held aspirations of the great majority of Irish people today. They are what the Irish successfully fought for in the brilliantly executed guerrilla war that so inspired the 20the century colonies to do likewise; they are also the touchstone of legitimacy of the Irish state. One argument here is that this version of the state as it currently operates is therefore illegitimate

In 1918 an election was held under British law; Sinn Fein won over 70% of the seats. Instead of trotting off to Whitehall/London, they formed an autonomous parliament of the Irish republic as voted for by the people;

This assembly of the republic was proscribed by the British and its successor had a similarly anomalous being;

Eventually, after a bitterly fought civil war, the “free state” was created, the republic was not included,

Unlike the British, the Irish had a written constitution, edited by Whitehall

The classic republican argument is that the “free state” was created under threat of military invasion by Britain and that therefore the second Dail remains in existence as the legitimate government of Ireland, held in trust by the army council of the IRA until full elections again are held. . The Anglo-Irishman Richard Barton, who was one of the treaty negotiators and had no reason to lie, attested that such a threat was indeed uttered by Lloyd George, specifically “war within three days”

The “free state” made several attempts to resolve the situation before the capitulation that we are about to describe. One was the 1937 constitution; the other was the 1948 declaration of a republic, a declaration that was proscribed by the British in 1922 but would probably have averted the Civil war had it been done then. There possibly would have been less bloodshed on the island in the 70 subsequent years had this 1922 declaration taken place

A pathological dynamic, therefore has historically obtained. It started when the party that became Fianna fail set up what was effectively an internal government in exile after the civil war. They had government ministries in this fantasy league, unlike their successors from 1938 onwards, which were strictly military in effect. The first such, with impeccable timing, declared war on Britain in 1939; the subsequent 1950's border campaign was as bad.

Most recently. Gerry Adams' IRA renounced their claim on sovereignty and joined the parliament in both parts of Ireland. It is fair to suggest that the British patronage of Adams and his ilk was due to fear of Marxists like Seamus Costello with their more effective paramilitaries, rather than love of Gerry.

2. The nullification of Ireland's national territory

In 1937, on the eve of WW2, with an armed neighbor beside it staking claim over some of the same territory, and after centuries of genocide and dispossession, the Irish people voted for this simple proposition;

Article 2
The national territory consists of the whole island of Ireland, its islands and the territorial seas.”
In 1938, as we've seen, the IRA lost patience and claimed jurisdiction over the whole island in the name of the 1916 republic. This ended in the 1969-1997 disaster; what was to come, I argue, was the conscious destruction of the Irish people as an identifiable ethnic group; in short, cultural genocide. First, in an appallingly written document, the national territory was gotten rid of;

The new Article 2

“It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, to be part of the Irish Nation. That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland. Furthermore, the Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage.
The new Article 3
  1. It is the firm will of the Irish Nation, in harmony and friendship, to unite all the people who share the territory of the island of Ireland, in all the diversity of their identities and traditions, recognising that a united Ireland shall be brought about only by peaceful means with the consent of a majority of the people, democratically expressed, in both jurisdictions in the island. Until then, the laws enacted by the Parliament established by this Constitution shall have the like area and extent of application as the laws enacted by the Parliament[2] that existed immediately before the coming into operation of this Constitution.
  2. Institutions with executive powers and functions that are shared between those jurisdictions may be established by their respective responsible authorities for stated purposes and may exercise powers and functions in respect of all or any part of the island. “

So there was to be no national territory; power lay in new bodies with officials unelected locally allowed to lay down the law. Moreover, by 2004 article 2 was rejected by 80% of the electorate, who insisted - pace, Leopold Bloom - that Irishness was more than just being born there

3. A new republic and reconciliation tribunal

Consequently, we now have two claimants on the republic;

  1. The current internationally-accepted government, the successor to the “free state”
  2. The army council of the IRA, which is not recognized internationally and has few supporters even in Ireland

It is the thesis of this post that these claims have equal moral and political validity. Moreover, the Free state has become so inimical to the interests of Irish people that there a very strong argument for the declaration of a new republic, even before putting it to the Irish people as a political movement and a referendum.

International accreditation of the “free state” brings with it a heavy burden, both financial and political.In particular, we are told that we owe abut $100 billion; in effect, the terms post 1998 are those given to Germany by the allies after WW1 and WW2. 
What is being proposed here, therefore, is a tribunal subsequent to the coming into force of the constitution of the new republic that examines crimes committed against Ireland under the flag of the old republic. There is no doubt that the banksters who successfully sought to defraud the Irish exchequer in order to keep their scam going for just a few months longer should be in jail, nor is there any doubt that the “free state” will not prosecute them;

Nor is there any doubt that the succession of minsters (Burke, ahern and now Rabbitte) who have given away our fossil fuels are in violation of article 10 of the onstitution;

“All natural resources, including the air and all forms of potential energy, within the jurisdiction of the Parliament and Government established by this Constitution and all royalties and franchises within that jurisdiction belong to the State subject to all estates and interests therein for the time being lawfully vested in any person or body. “

Yet the situation is clearer still. This government sees itself as a tool of the international financial community, rather than an entity resolved to protect the Irish people, as Merkel is obliged to do. They foster massive emigration of the Irish, and immigration of unskilled foreigners. In particular, the minister for finance announced that we e took one for the team, where this team is clearly not Ireland;

The deputy PM reports details of internal party strategy to his manager in the Dublin US embassy. Small wonder they went on openly to try and teal Irish passports and refuse visas to leading Irish writers, as my (in press) “Ireland in crisis” shows;

The PM himself is frighteningly stupid, ignorant, and ill-advised;

More to the point, as I have copiously documented elsewhere, this version of the Irish state has suspended the rule of law as it suits to destroy Irish ethnic musicians, and put the universities outside any statutory control. My solution has been simple; create an alternative university and open science sites. Indeed, this should be the leitmotif; create alternative institutions using the web.

The Irish state attempts to control things using mechanisms that are pre-Gutenberg, let alone the internet. This colonial administration has in fact allowed Irish passports themselves to become unsafe as the Mossad developed an unhealthy obsessions with them. In fact, it produces nothing of any benefit to an intelligent and sensitive human being

Law is used in Ireland almost solely as an instrument to cement the grip of a self-appointed elite on power. In general, then, the impetus that gave the free state some traction on the notion of the republic and legality has been spent

Yet there is no point in redoing the IRA trick. What seems to make sense is to declare a new republic, and to abide by the laws of the free state in a minimal fashion. As Iceland has demonstrated with bands like “Of Monsters and Men”, there are massive opportunities for a resource-rich state like Ireland that frees itself from the death-grip of the banksters .