Saturday, July 13, 2013

Edward Snowden, Barrett Brown, Bradley Manning; restoring America's honor

It is at least plausible that we are living in a continued coup attempt by an international plutocracy/self-appointed elite. Their get-togethers are well-known; Davos, G8, G20 and so on. The methodology varies; military invasions have ended up in fiasco, but the idea of destroying the protections engendered through the Church congressional hearings in the 1970's has persisted. Remarkably, the team that surrounded the president as he defended Colby's spooks at the time – Rumsfeld, Cheney, Greenspan et al – staged a comeback for the brief ride to power of the neocons.

A second theme has been the financialization of the economy and the attempt to put finance on an irrevocable math basis. This too ended in fiasco in 2008; the response was to create a fictitious president from whole cloth – and if Obama is who he says he is I'll eat my Irish passport – and to sneak in massive subsidies to these failed enterprises, evict people from their homes, and allow Obama do his MLK impersonations to ensure wealthy liberal people still felt good about themselves. For the record, this Dow bubble will end before Jan 014 as china collapses. Then they will repeat the Obama trick

A thrid theme has been the sheer mediocrity – nay, incompetence in many cases – of this tide of “innovation”. Had facebook been presented to me as a junior thesis, I would have given it a bare pass; it would have failed as a senior thesis. It is a matter of public record that Zuckerberg got his initial $13 million funding from a CIA affiliate called Accel partners after he revealed a willingness to share passwords and other private info from these “dumb fucks” as he calls his 1 billion + members;

and what happened to myspace?

The "social network" movie may best be seen as disinformation with the Winkelvoss twins perhaps  used as scapegoats to provide a good  if inaccurate story.

 It is also a matter of public record that Google uses the ancient “Power method”, channeled through Katz ranking, for its page rank. It is also BS to posit that they “hooked 200 computers together" etc; in fact they used the same data repository as Yahoo before their unexpected rise. They too have been partly CIA-funded.  Larry Ellison's owm Wiki entry goes  "One of his projects was a database for the CIA, which he named "Oracle"' !As for Microsoft, check the  Guardian

they are all at it

Given how trivial most of these technologies are, even as small a country like Ireland can produce a competitor that guarantees privacy.

Finally, we come to the extreme violence with which the USA dispossessed the natives. The rest of the world is beginning to experience this, with theft of Irish passports (not edible but useful; see my “Ireland in Crisis” book, in press), combined with blocking off air space to presidents, spying on friendly countries, and much else being used by the spookocracy. Yet there are fatal flaws in their plan.

One is that government salaries are not high enough to hire the really good tech people. So they end up outsourcing the tech work to Stratfor, who do not have a chance against Anonymous et al; there is prima facie evidence that elements in the FBI helped Anonymous, perhaps fearing for their jobs. The second is the honesty, openness and decency that characterizes much of American society

Edward Snowden and Barrett Brown epitomize this; yet Bradley Manning, a tortured soul, has had the greatest impact. None have been offered due process in a country whose history of genocide requires that it must save itself by offering such. We finally found how we were being governed, and watched. They are just the first three; this system of government in the name of openness but actually steeped in deceit and invasion of privacy is unstable. I for one am very hopeful that we can change things.

It will probably be necessary for many of us to get out of the USA if our cars (or bikes in my case) start to malfunction like  Michael Hastings';

Attending Obama's inaugration does not help

Finally, I have little doubt that this harmless and obscure blog is being monitored. It is for the same reason as gmail keeps changing and Facebook is doing linguistics "research" to process text automatically ; overstaffing in the spookocracy as in these otherwise boring companies.

PS (Aug 2014)The  Dow is indeed down for this year. Do not follow this blog for investment advice!

QE ends this Fall.........