The central problem in Ireland is the refusal of the state to self-correct in any way as it spreads its corrupt practices through the whole of Irish society. Currently, it is powered by money and status borrowed from Germany, which will exact repayment in what a Stanford friend of mine only half-jokingly describes as a "nazi suicide pact". the state has deliberately created a vastly overpaid elite of underemployed bureaucrats whose very being, as they see it, depends on maintaining the scam; it is likely that many of them sit all day by their communications equipment waiting for directions to do something sleazy as this is what they frankly were employed to do in the Berrie Ahern bulge of the public "service'.
People of Irish ancestry have excelled at the highest level of all aspects of human endeavour. That is due mainly to an extremely lucky accident of history as the British endlosung for Ireland (final solution, my word of the week) coincided with North America opening up. Had the Irish delayed 50 years, the Italians would have been in the USA before them; as it happened, we are the number one ethnic group here.
Four years ago, I me a very talented young American swimmer with grandparents from Co Kerry. she had very narrowly missed selection for the American Olympic team; incidentally, she trained daily with multiple Olympic winner, the Irish-Filipina Natalie Coughlin and was prepared to declare for Ireland. no-one approached her to do so. She has since made the US swim team.
On reflection, this is not surprising. the state's death grip on civil society mans that it values control over high standards. far better to have the pantomime Jedward than thin Lizzy; A "poetry Ireland" tour of the USA (the worst event many of us have ever seen) rather than a new Paul Durkan; Sharon Shannon rather than Melanie O'REailly, who courageously exposed the Irish music scam and has since been victimized by the Irish establishment (se
The population of people professing Irish ethnicity and/or ancestry internationally is at its highest ever. It is unlikely that the current corrupt, "multicultural" Ireland is doing them any favours. but there are pockets of hope. Whatever Roy Keane says - and let us not forget he walked out on his country - Ireland qualified for Eurp 2012, a more competitive selection process by far than the world cup, which brings countries to the table that have no business there. They will probably lose today, like their rugby brethren on Saturday; yet the latter can claim to have been robbed with peculiar decisions about the scrum that mark events where a top team (in this case the All Blacks is playing) Padraig Harrington seemed to know he had to finish eagle-birdie to win the US Open yesterday; he failed, but unlike McDowell, at least he tried.
The state is not worthy of the Irish people.