Saturday, December 24, 2011

Scream and scream again; the dismemberment of Ireland

We are finally in the end game in which the Irish people are probably going to get to vote on how they like their colonial status. In the meantime, the scenario is that of “Scream and scream again”; the Irish state is kept on a life-support system as the “creditors” take now a leg, now an arm. It is interesting that the political parties have settled back to their historical levels. Fine Gael 30%; the more “republican” wing on the historical Sinn Fein parties in the 40’s; and labour barely reaching double figures.

So, what’s next? Ducking and diving for a brief period as the government attempts to avoid a referendum on fiscal union. Increasing attempts to push a risible “multiculturalism” within while pushing Irish ethnicity with possible American funders. EU regulations spreading like an inkblot. No let-up on the state’s assault on civil society; no attempt to reverse the inroads made by forces such as IMRO into music; and the numerous laws betokening tyranny.

Is there an alternative? Indeed there is. Unfortunately, it will be enunciated by Sinn Fein, who have little credibility and whose negotiation record is not good. SF have allowed partition supported by a unionist veto, total decommissioning – in fact the entire package that would have ensured a slow and agonizing death in a cowshed in South Armagh, where no-one can hear you scream, back in their salad days. The sequence whereby a bunch of Belfast thugs inherited the mantle of Terrence MacSwiney needs to be made explicit at some point.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why non-critical immigration to Ireland should be stopped immediately

Whether we like it or not, the Irish state was established as an ethnic project. It was decidedly not a racial one; deep in the maw and sinew of the nascent state was commitment to a set of principles which transcended race. The 1916 proclamation, which explicitly acknowledged two communities on the island of Ireland, anticipated the objections of critics like Anderson who questioned all post-colonial national movements

The tiny size of the Irish state has allowed takeover by various globalizing movements, with dreadful consequences. The first such, notoriously, was Roman Catholicism; the people's response to this mediaeval arrangement has formed the stuff of thousands of novels. The second was neoliberalism, with a brief foray into neoconservatism. It is in that context that immigration was encouraged

It is important to point out that no-one advocates a return to the situation wherein Irish women were asked to have more children than they could handle, while living a life recognizable to their sisters abroad as worthy of them. Yet the current situation wherein there are tens of thousands (at least) from abroad on welfare and bringing up their children at a time of mass unemployment and economic meltdown similarly is unacceptable

Given that the Irish people indicated overwhelmingly in a 2004 referendum that Irish citizenship should be reserved to those ethically Irish, immigration to Ireland should be stopped for all except critical jobs like software localization.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

An Irish MK-Ultra, anyone?

I believe the whole Norris incident offers vital clues as to how Ireland really works, and the creation ex nihilo of soothsayers from TCD – Gurdjiev, von Prondzynski, Norris, Robinson inter alia (spot the Irish name).

A first question is – how did Norris get a job at TCD with only a BA among his earned degrees? And whence this reputation for brilliance, given that he published nothing of any merit, let alone becoming meritorious of the accolade of “Ireland's leading Joyce scholar”;

David is not a scholar of any sort. He is just - fortunately for us – a very incompetent politician who finally chanced his arm just a little too much.

In a metaphorical sense, David was born in 1987; it was then he first ran for a Trinity Seanad seat. He ran alongside Mary Robinson and Ferdinand von Prondzynski, inter alia. In a parallel universe, FvP is still running for the Irish presidency, while Norris is enjoying his third year of retirement from TCD. Instead, FvP decided to lead us to the Elysium of full corporate takeover of the universities and destroyed centuries of goodwill while losing 8 cases. Robinson represented both Norris and Bacik in court – unsuccessfully.

The TCD hustings in 1987 were interesting indeed, with FvP being outshone by his loquacious colleague. Of course, we now have the chance to be led by Robinson's successor Ivana Bacik to the Parnassus of abortion on demand. It is interesting how many of these people are immigrants with rather fragmented psyches and attenuated/mysterious family backgrounds.( An Irish MK-Ultra, anyone? )

Gurdjiev does not even have a name – it should be Georgiades, if anything.

If he has any integrity, Norris will resign from the Seanad immediately. It is clear that a lot of people like him. It is also clear that he was never qualified to teach, and that a real scholar should have been coming into his own at 52, the age David retired.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Ireland could be turned around in a year

There are several pathological tendencies within the Irish state and society which are being ignored in the frenzy about rate cuts and gay presidents

The first is the role of the state itself in eviscerating civil society. This tendency has not lessened in the slightest since the fall of the 1997-2011 juntas and their replacement by – well, by everyone not part of the juntas. Indeed, the shamelessness with which the state continues to fix its citizenry for the speculation, megalomania, and sybaritic lifestyles of a very few for a very short period is remarkable

Yet that is less surprising, put in the context of a state that has lurched from a disastrous Roman Catholic fixation to a no less disastrous neoliberal one, all at the expense of its people. Indeed, encouraging immigration allowed Brecht's parodic notion of the leadership choosing a new citizenry, as the old one had failed it

The results have been catastrophic, at every level – material, cultural, and existential. At the last level, there were many refuges for hold-outs against galloping statism until recently – pub, music session/concert, freedom of assembly and speech. The state has used proxies like IMRO to control Irish music, whose 1990's torrent has now turned into a trickle. In the meantime, attested criminality in the music business goes unpunished in Ireland, with Irish musos forced to get their rights through legal action in Britain and the USA.

A second mechanism used by the state is the differential application of European law and recommendation to control its people. So a farmer who went down to the pub and had 3 pints every Saturday night for 35 years before driving back slowly on deserted roads suddenly finds himself subject to the same legislation as a joyrider going 200 km/h on a crowded autobahn. Competition law was actually used (via Siptu) to stop musicians agreeing what fee to ask for in a gig.

It is true, at the time of writing in August 2011, that Irish people in general like their new PM. That is easily explicable by the fact that the government he replaced made no secret of its criminality and lack of basic self-control. The best that Enda Kenny can do, given the parameters he has set his administration (or he has allowed others to set) will be to restore the confidence of some in a MO that was intended to be totalizing and criminal in the first place

The irony, of course, is that Ireland could be turned around in a year

1.Default on all debt. Indeed, the “loan” from the “UK” should immediately be written off as reparations
2.Re-emphasise the sense of genetic and cultural belonging that will motivate us to give of our best
3.Scrap every parasitical entity within the Irish state, from think-tanks to NGOs, that drag us down financially
4.Claim all natural resources for the people as the constitution requires

Friday, June 17, 2011

The battle of the Gays

David Norris has brilliantly maneuvered himself into a near-certainty candidacy for the Presidency in Ireland. Moreover, he will be doing so under a very popular anti-"bailout" banner

His opponent will almost certainly be Gay Mitchell, and journalists are already licking their lips at the possibility for headlines. A Labour party candidate will unfortunately (for them) also be pro-bailout and will lose traction

This is going to be fun!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Of “paiderastia” and paedophilia

So when we were growing up in Ireland of the 70's, we were told to long for a united Ireland - one that would be quite Catholic and Gaelic

In recent years, we were told to rescind all that. Some of us are still deeply confused

There was also the 70's notion that the 26 county state was somehow involved in weakening the moral fiber inculcated by Catholicism. We got over that when we heard what the Catholic Church was really up to between the sheets, and partly as a result of David Norris' brave action against the Irish state, brought in the most liberal age of consent laws possible.

Homosexual sex between an "attractive" adult and 17-years old farmboy is legal in Ireland. They can even proceed to civil union. Unfortunately, as it happens, gays still often end up alone, indeed taking their own lives.

Now, however, we as a nation are asked to distinguish “paiderastia” and paedophilia. Of such cognitive dissonance do backlashes begin

Indeed, those of us confused by the notion of "multiculturalism" and the non-working Nigerian majority in Ireland now have another issue;

This does not apply solely to Nigerians;

We now have two very dark scenarios;

1. Nigerian women are forced to become pregnant, and put on a plane to Ireland just before delivery, at which point they give birth to what was a new citizen (up to 2004)

2. Chinese children are trafficked into Ireland, put into HSE care, escape with the aid of their traffickers, and work as sex slaves

Wait until we get some "vivres-avec" from Haiti...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Good Friday, a week early

Ireland got another kick from the admittedly inept Moody's today - but that's not the main story

After all the attempts to prop up the Irish property market, today's Allsop/space auction revealed;

1. Farm land even in relatively central (vis a vis Dublin) Wicklow is less than 8k an acre

2. Attractive 4-beds in Ballsbridge are a max of 550k (and that probably included some estate agents' trickery)

The total loss to the value of Irish real estate from today's auction, including farm land, is well over E100 billion, and perhaps closer to E500 billion

Only the revenue commissioners were party to this information before today - only they have the real price at which property changes hands

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

End of the Fianna Fail Music scam

After 13 years, we finally got a judgement in US federal court;

It is unambiguously in our favour, upholding an earlier default judgmental recommendation

Now to get the scum who perpetrated the crimes in Ireland

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A significant debate, at last

Yesterday was possibly the first time in a millennium wherein potentates who could claim future jurisdiction over a sizeable part of the island, including Dublin, debated their plans as Gaeilge. In the history of the Irish "republic", the brief Dukes/Haughey interval 1987-1990 was the only one I can recall with the 2 principal party leaders having any real command of Irish (De Valera/Gubbins/Coll had very little)

We also had 3 dialects; Munster, Galway and Mayo. Had they allowed Pearse Doherty - as they should - that would have comprised Donegal. An opportunity missed; it is noticeable that sinn fein are now free to enunciate the republican narrative to which FF escaped to regroup in the 1980's. That option is therefore now closed off for FF.

As for what they had to say, it is clear that the recent cuts are a done deal, as are NAMA and the ECB/IMF bailout. When pressed, neither Gilmore nor Kenny denied the former. So let's look ahead to 18 months' time, when the "new"government is just as unpopular as the current Cowen-led one

The idea of Ireland as an expression of deep existential urges was most recently expressed in the life and work of the great and tragic Terrence MacSwiney. The 100 million or so people worldwide who identify themselves ethnically as Irish need a place of origin. It is the duty of the Irish state to provide a place that is genuinely culturally Irish; when the crime of paying off debts we never incurred again begins to grate, the national urge will again have to be carefully modulated as it gains in power.