Thursday, February 17, 2011

A significant debate, at last

Yesterday was possibly the first time in a millennium wherein potentates who could claim future jurisdiction over a sizeable part of the island, including Dublin, debated their plans as Gaeilge. In the history of the Irish "republic", the brief Dukes/Haughey interval 1987-1990 was the only one I can recall with the 2 principal party leaders having any real command of Irish (De Valera/Gubbins/Coll had very little)

We also had 3 dialects; Munster, Galway and Mayo. Had they allowed Pearse Doherty - as they should - that would have comprised Donegal. An opportunity missed; it is noticeable that sinn fein are now free to enunciate the republican narrative to which FF escaped to regroup in the 1980's. That option is therefore now closed off for FF.

As for what they had to say, it is clear that the recent cuts are a done deal, as are NAMA and the ECB/IMF bailout. When pressed, neither Gilmore nor Kenny denied the former. So let's look ahead to 18 months' time, when the "new"government is just as unpopular as the current Cowen-led one

The idea of Ireland as an expression of deep existential urges was most recently expressed in the life and work of the great and tragic Terrence MacSwiney. The 100 million or so people worldwide who identify themselves ethnically as Irish need a place of origin. It is the duty of the Irish state to provide a place that is genuinely culturally Irish; when the crime of paying off debts we never incurred again begins to grate, the national urge will again have to be carefully modulated as it gains in power.