We are finally in the end game in which the Irish people are probably going to get to vote on how they like their colonial status. In the meantime, the scenario is that of “Scream and scream again”; the Irish state is kept on a life-support system as the “creditors” take now a leg, now an arm. It is interesting that the political parties have settled back to their historical levels. Fine Gael 30%; the more “republican” wing on the historical Sinn Fein parties in the 40’s; and labour barely reaching double figures.
So, what’s next? Ducking and diving for a brief period as the government attempts to avoid a referendum on fiscal union. Increasing attempts to push a risible “multiculturalism” within while pushing Irish ethnicity with possible American funders. EU regulations spreading like an inkblot. No let-up on the state’s assault on civil society; no attempt to reverse the inroads made by forces such as IMRO into music; and the numerous laws betokening tyranny.
Is there an alternative? Indeed there is. Unfortunately, it will be enunciated by Sinn Fein, who have little credibility and whose negotiation record is not good. SF have allowed partition supported by a unionist veto, total decommissioning – in fact the entire package that would have ensured a slow and agonizing death in a cowshed in South Armagh, where no-one can hear you scream, back in their salad days. The sequence whereby a bunch of Belfast thugs inherited the mantle of Terrence MacSwiney needs to be made explicit at some point.