I have little doubt that a web search on fvp will reveal accolade after accolade , - so, aware of what it is to enter that darkness, I have never done one.
In my recent communication with the Taoiseach, which featured the allegation that fvp attempted to bribe me in 2003 to drop my case, I had to do some research. For example, Ferdie decided to GO INTO LEINSTER HOUSE, WHERE THE IRISH PARLIAMENT SITS, to offer the bribe. A mistake; there now is a record that in early 2003, he went to see John Gormley, who had not yet become one of the more corrupt ministers in Irish history
Ferdie's offer was this; if I walked away, he would pay my full salary until I got a new job. I refused, as I also refused the two years' salary offered via siptu by DCU's notorious conry. I should note that I have had no dealings with Gormley since 2006, when he again disappointed conventional decency and morality.
But that is not the focus here. When I attempted to look for the Irish supreme court case, the following reference emerged;
Cahill -v- DCU, [2009] IESC 80 (2009)
I googled it, without quotes; no results
Cahill -v- DCU, [2009] 80 (2009)
* 25 June 2014 - please note that quoting it "Cahill -v- DCU, [2009] IESC 80 (2009)" and you get resullts including this blog*
gives results, indicating the IESC, is what throws it off........means Irish supreme court. I am aware that "-" has a meaning of exclusion, but that is not the problem here This is lmost impossible to do by accident and indicates that some extreme hacking has been done, perhaps to hide von Prondzynski's history as they prepare him to try the same trick in Scotland ie privatizing a state university with summary dismissal
I have a PhD in computer science and have never seen this before. Remarkably, throw it into vlex, the legal database, and the same happens
The document with the Supreme court verdict can be found by circuitous means . All costs - at least 2 million- were awarded to Cahill, who was reinstated.
It is my view that much brilliant work in Ireland was stopped by an international cabal of scumbags who worked with the collusion of filthy free state bureaucrats. It has been the misfortune of me and mine to be subjected to this.
Please check out my "Ireland in crisis" book for further details