Sunday, August 22, 2021

The only way to avoid violence is for states to start telling the truth about covid-19


This can only end in violence has happened in Melbourne this morning because it is simply a terrorist coup d'etat. Stopping distinguished scientists like Peronne from speaking in public is what caused every ideological War in human history. These Wars have cost hundreds of millions of lives and and everybody on this list benefited from an extended period of peace with full freedom of assembly conscience and speech which is being attacked by or States using bogus science.

Robert and I have gone through some of the Central absurdities every Sunday on his programme 3pm EST but it is no harm to repeat them

First the PCR test on which the whole scam hinges does not work by the cdc's own admission. So they are abandoning it. - again by their own admission. Worse it never tested for sars-cov 2 because they had none to hand in February 2020 -again by their own admission -so they simply used a library of other RNA viruses they had available. That essentially means they have to redo all the billions of tests that have been done. That is if they ever produce an assay for SARS cov 2. Until they do good biologists like Jonathan rapaport are going to insist that it doesn't exist

Second we were told they had a complete genetic sequence of an isolated virus by January the 13th 2020. If so clearly nobody told the CDC about it. In actual fact all that existed and exists to this day is a computational model. One of the tragedies is that millions of people are getting poisoned by so-called Vaccines based on this computational model

Thirdly the statistical model used comes from 1927 as we were the first to point out but now John Ioannidis is repeating. It is not just primitive but does not have a variable for the number of virus particles which is the main causal influence! The reason they are using this s i r model imposed by the w h o is it gives justification for lockdown. It does not predict transmissions which the model described in our book Follow The Sun does to within 1%.

 When we contacted the authorities in North Dakota Spain and Ireland from autumn 2020 and told them we could predict transmissions and therefore hospital beds they had no interest whatsoever because all they're trying to do is to lock people up until they're willing to be guinea pigs for the injections. We actually gave an extended tutorial to the so-called scientists in North Dakota

I almost forgot to mention that all the PCR tests only had emergency use authorisation and so it remains to this day.

There are literally thousands of analyses of these lethal injections most recently by Christine Cotton who is an extremely reputable biostatistician. Literally tens of thousands of people have already died as a result of these injections. Conversely we have no idea how many people died of covid-19 because there is no test for SARS cov  2. The current betting is it is between 1 and 5% of the public figures rammed down our throats by social media as well as mainstream and state Media

Finally Jonathan rapoport actually reads CDC and FDA reports and found that the FDA report on the Pfizer vaccine showed it simply did not work. To put it in more technical terms it should never have received emergency use authorisation because it was not what more than 50% more effective than a placebo.

It is hard to imagine the millions who are assembling in France every Saturday remaining peaceful in the face of provocation like police Provocateurs and grocery shops already illegally looking for a vaccine passport.