FRIDAY, November 3, 2017
9:00 am Introduction by FOM
chair Seán Ó Nualláin
9:05 am Mind & World Introduction by session chair Brian Swimme
9:15 am What
a Real Theory of Consciousness, Quantum Observation, Awareness
and Attention May Look Like – Seán Ó Nualláin
10:00 am Quantum Mind: Cognition as Vibration – Aamod Shanker et al
11:00 am Reality, Subjectivity and Truth in a Self-Aware Mind – Kirill
11:40 am Plasma Brain Dynamics (PBD): II Quantum Effects – Zhen Ma
12:20 pm Cosmogenetic consciousness
- Brian Swimme CIIS
2:00 pm Henry Stapp
2:40 pm Commentary & Role of Observation in the Quantum World
- Menas Kafatos
3:00 pm Consciousness & Causality: Sub-Quantum Time-Symmetric
- Adrian Klein
3:30 pm Linear Thinking & Self-Consciousness Process - Mansoor
4:00 pm Voluntary Action, Conscious Will & Readiness Potential
- Syamala Hari
4:30 pm If AI Asks Questions, Will Nature Answer? - Cynthia Sue
5:00 pm New Approaches to QM Measurement Problem - Stan Klein,
Chris Cochran
5:30 pm PANEL: Henry Stapp, Adrian Klein, Mansoor Vakili, Stan

SATURDAY, November 4, 2017
11:00 am Quantum, Entheogenic and Ethnogenic Healing – Chair Tania Re
11:00 am Are there enough scientific evidences
to recommend psychotropic substances for therapeutic use? Implications of a
critical umbrella review. – Tania
11:40 am Reterritorialization & Mental Illness - Seán Ó Nualláin
pm Difficulties in Inorganic and Organic Measurement
of Energy, Nature’s Influence and Mind Training (Yi) in Qigong (Qi).Phillip Shinnick and Laurence Porter
2:00 pm Observations – Arora & Behera
2:40 pm QM Automata, Gödel Numbers & Self-Ref Consciousness -
Fred Alan Wolf
3:20 pm Continuity, Time & Opposition of the Dominant Paradigm
- Stan McDaniel
4:00 pm Mimicking Intelligence - Wolfgang Baer
4:40 pm AI & the Human Biofield: New Opportunities &
Challenges - Bev Rubik
5:20pm Intention at a Distance as Source of Information Transfer
& Wave Function
Collapse – Karla Galdamez
6:00 pm PANEL: Fred Alan Wolf, Wolfgang Baer, and others