Sunday, January 29, 2012

The dubious political legitimacy of the Irish statelet

The irredentist IRA narrative always went as follows;

1.The second Dail was not properly dissolved;
2.The TD's who voted “no” to the Churchill/Collins deal handed over sovereignty of the Irish state to the IRA army council;
3.The IRA army council is the legitimate government of Ireland

That therefore allowed the IRA run a justice system in parallel to those by the states that claim sovereignty and jurisdiction over the divided island of Ireland . The IRA claims to jurisdiction and sovereignty, they argue, trump those of the British and Irish states

Of course, absurdities frequently emerge. Two wings of the continuity IRA each claimed to be the real government some years ago; and while the Provos were in the game, they “executed “ (murdered )an ex-member in a Belfast bar – and then in turn offered to murder the murderers. The Provos retired in 2005 to suck Brittania's withered paps.

Nevertheless, there is a weight of evidence in favour of the argument that the Irish statelet is simply a vehicle for the suppression of the Irish people, who have proven by our international success in emigrant communities that we are very able indeed. The companion blog to this documents a situation wherein an illegal disciplinary statute was used for a full decade in a state university, causing loss of livelihood and indeed life itself. There is no enforceable corporation law or indeed copyright law in Ireland; at this point, the statelet makes few bones about the fact that it is a colony, designed to shovel Irish workers' money to mysterious “bondholders” after a self-appointed “elite” in Dublin takes its cut. Soon, of course, it will sell off its forests to keep the scam going

The irredentist IRA narrative always seemed to be too facile. Now, however, the only person I have seem in Irish public life with any integrity is Colin Duffy, who has just undergone a 3-year internment for a “crime” he did not commit. The “crime” - stopping young Brit squaddies from terrorizing Afghanis

The export of money, the destruction of Irish culture and so on, taken in combination make it seem that the inheritors of the mantle of Terrence MacSwiney – the only mantle worth inheriting – oppose the rapacious and deeply evil Irish state.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Soon only Ireland will recognize a Canadian gay marriage

It is fair to say that the Irish state welcomes every freak with an axe to grind/chip on the shoulder while ruthlessly pursuing the extirpation of all independent native artists. The “discovery”, alluded to in the immediately previous post, that there is no enforceable copyright law in Ireland has in fact been known to many of us for years

So “asylum seekers” get food and lodging; remarkably, there are significantly fewer of these suffering souls since the economic downturn, proving - of course! - that recessions soften the heart of repressive political regimes. In the meantime, at least two musicians in my personal acquaintance have been stricken with cancer in their early 40's, after undergoing the Irish state screw over for daring to play a note without a certificate from the dept of Fun

Gay marriage has been signaled by the current bunch of traitors and there will shortly be a referendum on it. Having attenuated the sacrament, then the state institution of marriage by illegal means, the next step is the imposition on the Irish public of another abomination. This is particularly the case in that the “theologian” Katherine Zappone is a Taoiseach's nominee to the Seanad, having lost a High Court case to have her Canadian “marriage” to another woman recognized in Ireland;

I could not help noting that, in her written account of her attempt to subvert Irish gender roles, Z advertized her love of driving fast cars, speed, noise and other environmentally-damaging themes. . I do not understand why we should subsidize her wish to be a boy.

Now the punchline; that “marriage” of non-residents is no longer recognized in Canada either;

Why doe we put up with this?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The music company lawsuit against Ireland

Finally the music companies are suing Ireland for failure to have any implementable copyright legislation;

Even the most "cynical/daring" comments on this topic really don't get it. Ireland has not been run as a normal state since 1998 or so, and there was every indication from back then that the music industry - in the mid 90's perhaps the biggest in the world pro capita - began to be used for the creation of huge scams

We can start with the admittedly labyrinthine narrative on

To summarize; musicians start to notice that their song copyright registrations are altered when they attempt to repatriate them from Britain and the USA to the nascent Irish music "rights" organization (IMRO). Companies close to the government suddenly "own" part of the songs. The musicians check further, and notice that they are credited with writing songs that don't exist, often spelled in Gaelic with a letter missing.

They get the police involved; one of the police is made a job offer he can't refuse, but parliamentary questions keep the investigation going. It is possible that the government simply wanted to find out what we knew.

Then someone in IMRO's London counterpart panics and - lo and behold! - it is revealed that Shay Hennessy, chair of IMRO, HAD STOLEN HUNDREDS OF COPYRIGHTS AND WAS USING IMRO TO PERPETUATE THE THEFT. Quis cutodies cutodiet? AS it happens, the police investigation was aborted with a leak to the papers

Hennessy was the main advisor on the copyright act that has caused this snafu;

It is important to remember that, when referring to Ireland 1997-2011, we are not talking about a modern democracy; it is a third world country, with the prime minister paying a fortune of taxpayers' money to promote the musical and other "artistic" careers of his daughters and their partners, including the horrible "PS I love you".

U2, among many others, took advantage of the artists destroyers' exemption, which allowed them trade with dissolved companies and steal at will from far better musicians than them;